
Prepare your git repository

Before continue, be sure to create your git repository:

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m"Initial commit"


Generated project already have a valid .gitignore for Django


If you choose to enable Heroku deployment during project bootstrap, you already have anything you need. Simply obtain Heroku Toolbelt and start creating your first application:

$ heroku apps:create <app_name>
$ git push heroku master

You have deployed your website in Heroku platform but you need to achieve some extra steps.


Check ALLOWED_HOSTS setting or you will get a 400 (bad request) error when in production

Heroku configuration

Set these enviroment variables so production configuration will work like expected:

$ heroku config:set DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<random secret key>
$ heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=django_cms.settings.production


django_cms package could have a different name according to your initial choose

Configure your AWS bucket and add these environment variables to Heroku:

$ heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<random key_id>
$ heroku config:set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<random access_key>
$ heroku config:set AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME=<your bucket name>

Syncdb and collect static

Run these commands using Heroku run:

$ heroku run python django_cms/ syncdb --all
$ heroku run python django_cms/ migrate --fake
$ heroku run python django_cms/ collectstatic


django_cms package could have a different name according to your initial choose

That’s all! Your Django CMS website is deployed on Heroku platform!